Saturday, July 5, 2008

4th of July

We had our annual Garrison Family 4th of July Celebration at our house with Dawna's family. We had a BBQ and then watched the kids light off their fireworks show. Even the dogs got into the celebration by letting us decorate them with glow-sticks. We only had one slight injury the whole evening and that was when the dog's came barging out of the house to join in the party and got a little too excited. Poor Gunner got tripped up under Tanks long legs and went summersaulting down the driveway. He scraped up his face and lost a few whiskers but we think he'll live!! We missed Mark being here this year....he is still in Oregon. We'll meet up with him this next week in Idaho when we go camping at Red Fish Lake for a week with the Cowley's and then head to Oregon with the kids/dogs until the middle of August. We're looking forward to getting out of the heat of Utah and enjoying a little cooler weather in the Great NorthWest!!