Last night we went to Carson's football game. It was one of those adrenaline pumping, nail biting, intense ballgames. We were down by 8 points with less than a minute to go and we rallied from behind to get a touchdown, pulling us within 2 points. We would need a 2-point conversion to tie the ball game and send it into overtime...........................WHICH WE DID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For little league football, the rule in overtime is that each team will have a posession and try to score. If both teams don't score then they are given another posession. The other team got the ball first and ran in a touchdown but missed the extra point. We got the ball and my little Carson ran in the touchdown to tie the ballgame. Now we would need to make the extra point to win the game. The ball was snapped and Nate Katoa ran the ball into the enzone........WE WIN!!!!!!!! Congratulations Carson's 6th Grade team and coaches!!!!!!
This is Carson #11 with the ref's doing the coin toss to see who would be first to get the ball in over-time
It's hard to get Carson to smile but I think this win pulled off a smile for him. Daxton is one of Carson's biggest fans....he gets dressed in full uniform to support him.
I'm a proud Mom!
Congratulations Carsy!! You are one awesome player. One day when you play for the Denver Broncos don't forget about your Auntie Kris. Go Cavemen!!!
Love the picture with Daxton! You can tell that he looks up to Carson. Way to go Carsey!!!
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